How many pairs of knickers?
"Is it that time already?". "Gosh, that went quickly!". "Wow, you must be excited". These are amongst the phrases I'm hearing on repeat at the moment. And whilst they're popping up in my own mind too, they're mostly dampened by the louder, more pressing question: how many pairs of knickers do I pack ?? 9 months ago I landed back on British soils, bracing myself for another stint in the nest. Everyone was slightly apprehensive. Would it be a repeat of The Teen Years (best not discussed)? Would I survive the Sunday ritual of The Archers omnibuses and the Grand Prix? Or worse still - would I love it so much I set up a subscription to Young Farmers Association and joined the local boules club? We settled upon a happy medium - parents funding cereal and peanut butter supplies, me bonding with the sheep and fresh air once more. There were even a few concerned looks exchanged when I mused about converting part of the house into an annex. We kno...