
Showing posts from July, 2017


I started writing and re-writing this blog several times. Firstly I dropped my trusty phone in a bowl of washing up. To add insult to injury I was cleaning a chilli con carne pan - every vegetarian's dream.... It was not a great inconvenience in a place without wifi or signal, so I didn't think about it longer than the time it took to stuff it in a bag of rice (a fruitless effort, as it turned out). I switched to old school pen and paper, but that content turned out to be more personal than I think would be appropriate for the general audience of this blog. And finally I realised I was avoiding blogging altogether. In part because I was consumed by real life activity and not gravitating towards electricals, but also because I was unsure how to record my experiences, so extensive and colourful they were. Here I will try and give you a brief idea of my last weeks in Wonderland. Please feel free to add your own imaginative touches - it probably happened. Trying to take myself ba...